About Us

Who are we? 
We are a group of students that seek to promote the message of Islam through the teachings of a handful of unique individuals known as the 'Ahlul Bayt' - an Arabic term which refers to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his family.

What is our vision? 
Our vision is threefold. Firstly, we hope to present a positive image of Islam as we believe is best expressed through the teachings of the Ahlul Bayt. Secondly, we aim to provide our members and the campus community with a safe space for understanding and discussing Islam. And thirdly, we hope to unite people from all walks of life by the universal principles that the Ahlul Bayt stood for.

What can ABSoc offer me?
Our events range from talks by expert speakers, to informal discussion circles and social gatherings and charity events. Whether its intellectual stimulation or student welfare you are looking for, we are happy to help. Whatever your interests are, there is always something for you to get involved in!   

Anyone can join ABSoc! 
We take this quote by Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb ﷺ as the starting point of our philosophy:   

“People are of two kinds; either your brother in faith or your equal in humanity”.

We therefore welcome everyone with the intention of promoting harmony, understanding and mutual respect.